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We’re Community Energy Plus – Cornwall’s energy advice charity. We help householders, landlords and communities in Cornwall use their energy better to enjoy warmer, energy efficient homes as part of a more sustainable, low carbon future.

Since 1998, we have worked in partnership with a wide range of public, private and third sector organisations to support a variety of innovative projects relating to energy efficiency and renewable energy, including community ownership models.

A principal focus of our activities is to provide practical help, high quality advice and guidance to address issues faced by many householders living in cold, damp, and poorly insulated properties. We aim to help householders out of fuel poverty and reduce the consumption of unnecessary amounts of energy within the household.

We’re working closely with community groups to promote sustainability; the benefits of collective action; and to support established community groups and encourage the development of new community organisations.

We act as an information gateway, providing a reliable and trusted source of information through research, advice and guidance on the full range of energy and sustainability issues.